Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Rainy day

Today was a rainy day, but the farm work must go on! Since we finished planting the onions yesterday, i guess it's good timing for the rain. I spent the morning in the rain untangling the ropes from the green house mess. I wasn't out in the rain exposed though. From the closet of work clothes I found rain boots, pants and jacket. Fully equiped from head to toe, so I stayed pretty dry. I did find out later though my boots had some holes in the back, so I ended up with wet socks. Oh well. After lunch we prepared the beds in the third greenhouse for the tomato plants. Nothing too exciting going on here beside that. I did find out there is a thrift store near by, and I think we might make a trip there this weekend. Karin said the price is very reasonable. So I guess I'll see when we go...

Tonight Debo, Anna and I made pancakes for dinner. By the way, the WWOOFers have a seperate kitchen from Karin and Anders, so we are free to make what we want for breakfast and dinner, depending on what is available. During dinner I showed them some pictures I brought with me of my "kids". Not really my kids, but the kids I look after. I told them all the names and they laughed at how American the names where. Anna is also German, and they told me in Germany, for a child to be given an American name, like Kevin, is almost a curse. Debo swears she will never give her child an american name. There have been studies done about school children with american names in german school, and usually if a teacher reads the names from a list and one child is named something like Kevin, they automatically assume that child is less inteligent and less able than the other students. Same goes for that person later on in life if they are applying for a job. The person with an american name is seen as less qualified... I found that very interesting. Anyways, I'm going to find some better rain boots in case tomorrow is like today, I'd prefer my feet to stay dry. And don't forget, let me know what you want to hear more about!


  1. Morgan...I am glad you are writing about your your words...did you know That Maurice Sendack ...Where The Wild Things later

  2. Hey so I have to say that I didn't know that stuff about the American names and I actually doubt it, cause there are lots of forigners in Germany and they all have typical names depending on where their families come from. The stuff about the name Kevin is true though :D eventhough I didn't know that name was American...but my cousin's name is Kevin and he's different than the other Kevins :P
